Tana River clashes leave dozens dead

At least 39 people have been killed in fresh clashes between rival communities in the Tana River district in Kenya’s Coast province, police say.

Saturday, December 22, 2012
The violence was on u201ca much larger scaleu201d than previous attacks. Net photo

At least 39 people have been killed in fresh clashes between rival communities in the Tana River district in Kenya’s Coast province, police say.The attack by ethnic Pokomo farmers on an Orma village,                 Kipao, came in the early hours of Friday morning, they say.Thirteen children and six women were among those killed.Police say the latest attack was revenge for the killing of more than 100 villagers earlier this year, but some say the raids are political.Elections are due in March 2013.The Kenyan police have suggested this latest attack may have been in retaliation for similar attacks that took place in earlier this year. In September, 1,000 freshly recruited officers were dispatched to the Tana Delta to try to prevent further outbreaks of violence between Pokomo farmers and members of the Orma community, semi-nomadic cattle herders.On this occasion they clearly failed. There have been historic tensions between the two communities, over land and access to water. But the latest violence has been on a scale not seen for many years. This year has also seen relatively good rains, which should have eased rather than exacerbated tensions. With a general election due to be held in March, many see a political motive behind the violence. Kenyan voters generally cast their ballots along community lines. If significant numbers of people decide to flee their homes as a result of the violence, that could influence the outcome of the vote in the region.Police say that there have been casualties on both sides. Houses were reportedly burnt and villagers cut down with machetes.Some victims bled to death as they were unable to be treated in time."About 150 Pokomo raiders attacked Kipao village, which is inhabited by the Ormas, early on Friday. The Ormas appeared to have been aware and were prepared,” Robert Kitur, Coast Region deputy police chief, told reporters. He said police were pursuing the raiders, who used firearms, spears, machetes and arrows.