Add a touch of nativity scene to your Christmas décor

My last column was about Christmas decorations. But Christmas tree is not the only decoration during the festive season. There is one decoration that can stand alone and say it all without as much as having the Christmas tree and other decorations in your home: the nativity scene.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My last column was about Christmas decorations. But Christmas tree is not the only decoration during the festive season. There is one decoration that can stand alone and say it all without as much as having the Christmas tree and other decorations in your home: the nativity scene.All Christians know that Jesus was born in a manger, and that is why you will get to see nativity scenes in many homes and churches during this time.A nativity scene is one of the more essential components of Christmas decorations, especially for the devoted that would like to commemorate the birth of Christ throughout the festive season. This event is why Christmas is a season to celebrate; to decorate the home in order to spread cheer to all those that would enter it.Nativity scene always stands out as an excellent centerpiece for your Christmas decorations. It is therefore important to know how to make the nativity scene come to life.StarsStars of wonder stars of night / Star with royal beauty bright / Westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light…this is a song that we sang during Christmas in Sunday school and our children today still sing it. The star hanged above the nativity symbolizes the original star that guided the magicians to where baby Jesus was. An eight point multi-coloured flashing star looks real good when rested on top of the nativity scene.CandlesJesus was born in a manger where there were no lights, so candle in nativity scene symbolizes the lantern that his mother Mary used at the time Jesus was born. Also, low burning flame of a candle adds a touch of solemnity to the nativity scene, making it look almost real.AngelsWhere would we be without our guardian angels? Each one of us has a guardian angel and so did Jesus. Remember it was the angel of the Lord who declared to Mary that she will conceive and bear a son, so in the nativity scene that angels are very important to be seen guarding baby Jesus.  The angels are usually beside the baby or are hanged up overlooking Jesus protecting him from the evil eye.Animal Since Christ was born among a whole host of animals, the nativity scene comes to life when miniatures of animals are placed in the manger. Wide-eyed animals like cows, sheep and goats were present during the birth of Christ, a bit of each will create a real manger situation.MusicalMusical on the nativity scene helps it to be more cheerful as well as attractive. Christmas carols usually help to brighten the entire festive mood. Children love listening and singing along with the songs, as they cheer along.We all have been through so much through the year, but unfortunately life has to continue. Forget the hard time as you keep your family entertained throughout the festive season, and celebrate in style. Give thanks and pray to the Good Lord to guide you safely through another year. Merry Christmas!