Time to reflect on your relationship

Being in relationship can be mind boggling. And it is only proper if you take a break every once in a while and reflect on your relationship and evaluate everything that has been going on in your life. The year is almost coming to an end, but have you sat down to think of how your relationship has fared on for the past 12 months? Well, time is nigh…reflect now and make a change that you want to make, because nobody will come to do it for you.

Saturday, December 22, 2012
A woman reflecting

Being in relationship can be mind boggling. And it is only proper if you take a break every once in a while and reflect on your relationship and evaluate everything that has been going on in your life. The year is almost coming to an end, but have you sat down to think of how your relationship has fared on for the past 12 months? Well, time is nigh…reflect now and make a change that you want to make, because nobody will come to do it for you.There are a few things that one can reflect upon to ascertain whether your relationship is heading in the right direction or not.LoveIt is important to reflect on your love life no matter how long you have been in a relationship or marriage. Do not just sit there and assume all is well, if you feel you no longer have the sparks for your partner, then something is wrong. There are different activities that you can engage in with your partner that will help you gauge your love life. If you are no longer interested in your partner, that means you are headed for the rocks. In reflecting you will ask yourself some questions and at the same time give yourself some solutions.Stress Stress is evident everywhere in our fast-paced world. It is a mental, emotional, or physical strain caused by anxiety over many other things in life. We all feel stressed at some point in our lives and often suffer the results of it in one way or the other. Well, it is time to reflect, on what stress can do to your relationship. If you have stress related to your relationship, it is good if you sit down and talk about it. Find a way to solve the issue. If you get stressed with something for a long time, it is a sure recipe for disaster.Work We all have busy lives somehow, but when you are in a relationship or marriage-you are better advised to find a way of how to deal with work and leave work issues at the office door. Never carry anything home from work. Many people find themselves giving more time to their work than their personal lives; this is a recipe for a looming showdown. We spend between 8 to 10 hours a day at work, why not give your partner a few minutes in the evening, and catch up with what you have been missing, instead of ignoring him/her typing your way on your computer. Never mix work and relationships, these two things are better left separate.Sex lifeSex is important in any relationship, not because if you don’t get it you will die- but because it is a natural way for two people to bond and stay in love. Sex is a very exciting experience and is a good thing to have in a relationship. But if you are looking for something to last a lifetime, then don’t base your relationship on sex, because the day your partner’s sex drive takes a nose-dive then you will be caught gaping at the nearest skirt wearer. Relationships that are based on sex as a high priority, rarely last.Confucius a Chinese philosopher once said that we need planning in our everyday life…because without planning we make life complicated yet it is very simple. Reflect now and plan how you want your relationship to be.