Our nation’s destiny is in our hands

Yesterday, while celebrating the Silver Jubilee of RPF-Inkotanyi, a sentiment that was reiterated again and again was the fact that our future was in our hands.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Yesterday, while celebrating the Silver Jubilee of RPF-Inkotanyi, a sentiment that was reiterated again and again was the fact that our future was in our hands.This message is especially relevant today when our nation is, seemingly, besieged by challenges not of our own making.These challenges shouldn’t make us fearful; rather our history should give us the confidence to face these challenges with full hearts. Only 18 years ago, a force of less than 10,000 defeated a genocidal army and militia, all the while rescuing innocent Rwandans from the clutches of death. If Rwandans could recover from that, and not only recover but prosper as well, it gives us confidence that we can face the coming challenges well.As the Chairman of the RPF, President Paul Kagame said yesterday, it is only ourselves who can make us reach our destination. No one else. We might have partners; however, these partners can only take us so far. We must continue forging our own path forward.The past 25 years have been merely a foundation. Our challenge as Rwandans is to make sure that the next twenty-five are even more successful. We have all the tools to ensure this, what we must do is harness those tools and make our dreams a reality.