Christmas at yours or mine?

Christmas is arguably the most celebrated holiday of the year- and like you, I am excited. I find it odd that adults teach their children the element of moral behaviour, one of them being – do not lie- yet they do the very opposite on a day like Christmas- lying through their teeth about Santa Clause.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is arguably the most celebrated holiday of the year- and like you, I am excited.I find it odd that adults teach their children the element of moral behaviour, one of them being – do not lie- yet they do the very opposite on a day like Christmas- lying through their teeth about Santa Clause.I am itching to scream at the top of my voice and tell every little child out there that Santa is a big fat lie- call me mean if you want to. But that is not what this article is about so, some other time!I was playing judge the whole of last weekend to a couple that I am really fond of.I have talked about compromise in relationships time and again and it is like as if people do not pay attention to what I write- I write these things for your benefit- so take me seriously.Jane and her family always spend Christmas at her husband’s home- who by the way has a difficult mother- and every time Jane knows it is approaching the 25th she tries to feign sickness or pull those other tricks married people do- just so she does not have to go to her hubby’s village.But it doesn’t matter how bad she feigns it or how good her acting skills are – her hubby will drag the poor chick to his ancestral home.After being married for 10 years- those are 10 Christmases with the hubby’s family- Jane for once suggested that they should have Christmas with her family as well. The smart girl suggested this in June and because her hubby did not want trouble, he allowed. Come Christmas, the hubby changed his mind- giving lame @%* reasons like – but we always have Christmas with my mum- she will not be happy about this- we have to go... blah blah blah.It got me thinking- do men actually believe that when they marry a woman she ceases to have her own people?And in which book is it written that women must have Christmas at their husband’s home?I think much as Christmas is a special time for family- let everyone be happy.Do not force people to villages to spend a beautiful day like Christmas with mothers that will not make an effort to be nice.That said- have a merry Christmas and spend it with your loved ones.