What were your family Christmas traditions like?

Christmas is around the corner and what better time is there to ask people what their family Christmas traditions were like when they were younger than now? Society’s Martin Bishop asked a few.

Friday, December 21, 2012
Francis Iraguha

Christmas is around the corner and what better time is there to ask people what their family Christmas traditions were like when they were younger than now? Society’s Martin Bishop asked a few. We would actually bake a cake and in the middle of the night sing a birthday song to baby Jesus. The celebration would go on till the break of dawn. Francis Iraguha, Fashion stylistWe had no Christmas trees and no gifts to open, but lots of food, drinks and laughter. On Christmas Day, we put our worries aside and enjoyed the day. Chantal MugemaHaving a big family, Christmas always gave us the chance to meet and share. All Christmas days are memorable. Leonidas Ndayisaba, Sports journalistThings have slightly changed, right now everyone takes a turn in opening gifts while the rest watch - it is fun to see what everyone gets, it emphasizes the importance of giving as well as receiving, and it makes the fun last much longer! John Munyaneza,We used to bake a birthday cake for Jesus but then devour it ourselves – it was so much fun. Today we are older and busier.Keza Maureen, ArtistWe used to attend a midnight mass on Christmas Eve, and this was compulsory.  Godfrey Rwomushana. Business manGrowing up in a poor family in the village, my parents made sure that on Christmas, we got the chance to eat and drink the stuff we weren’t able to on other days like drinking soda and eating meat, fish and other things. Bosco Ruzindana, Bus driver Growing up, we used to exchange gifts on Christmas morning and then enjoy a big feast all day. Mutesi Tatoo, Student