Forever grateful to our liberation heroes

Editor,I read the President’s interview with a lot of interest and humility. The RPF chairman was candid in his narration of the liberation quest, dating way back to the 1980s when young Rwandan exiles joined a liberation movement in Uganda with a view to use that experience as a springboard to eventually launch the liberation of their own country.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Editor,I read the President’s interview with a lot of interest and humility. The RPF chairman was candid in his narration of the liberation quest, dating way back to the 1980s when young Rwandan exiles joined a liberation movement in Uganda with a view to use that experience as a springboard to eventually launch the liberation of their own country.With the Habyarimana regime unwilling to let Rwanda’s children to return home, but instead tightened his grip on power while committing violence against Rwandans at home, there was indeed to choice but to resort to an armed struggle.Even when the RPF/RPA liberators suffered huge blows during the struggle, including losing its overall commander, Fred Gisa Rwigema, God was on their side and, through Paul Kagame, He ensured that the liberation movement triumphs, overrunning Kigali and ending the Genocide against the Tutsi on July 4, 1994.Rwandans will forever be grateful to our heroes.Jean Bizimana, Kigali--------------------------------------------Editor,What an inspiring interview by the RPF chairman! President Kagame’s heroism and visionary leadership has earned Rwandans a dignified life. We will continue to support the RPF cause. Long live Mr President, long live RPF!M Petero, The Horn(Reaction to the President’s interview about RPF’s 25 years of existence published in The New Times yesterday).