Publish liberation stories!

Well put Sunny. They actually do tell the stories, literally I mean…and that is also mainly through activities like Ingando, (the popular civic education exercises that hundreds of thousands have gone through), where different leaders have visited and offered lectures.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Well put Sunny. They actually do tell the stories, literally I mean…and that is also mainly through activities like Ingando, (the popular civic education exercises that hundreds of thousands have gone through), where different leaders have visited and offered lectures. I have had the privilege of listening to some of these guys and every time you hear them speak, you just don’t want them to stop. The stories are always moving and captivating …making you feel like there is a lot more you need to learn. However, that feeling doesn’t last; it is only in the moment because after one speaker comes another and before you know it, all is forgotten. I honestly do not understand why these stories are not captured in books because it is only a matter of time and the (Kabalebe  James, Minister of Defence) of today will be no more. THEN WHAT?MJ.

(Reactions to the article, It is time for the RPF to become story tellers, The New Times December 19)