Ask the doctor: With Dr. Rachna Pande

Dear Doctor, I am 29 and have a serious problem with my skin. I have tried to use every beauty product available but nothing seems to work.

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Dr. Rachna Pande

Dear Doctor,I am 29 and have a serious problem with my skin. I have tried to use every beauty product available but nothing seems to work. The strange thing is that I haven’t always been like this; the problem started about 2 years ago and has been with me since. I have ugly looking swellings on my face and back. I drink lots of water and gave up on junk food but the situation only worsens. What should I do? Please help me.Maureen Mukamusoni, Kacyiru

---------------------------------------------Dear Maureen,Use of cosmetics and various beauty enhancing products has existed for centuries. This is as per the basic human instinct of looking beautiful. To cater   for this need, there is a very big industry worldwide, manufacturing, marketing and selling cosmetics. They talk about the beneficial effects of their products but do not talk about all the likely harms they can cause. One can have an allergy to any one or more than one of the ingredients present in the product.

Apart from chemicals present for the specific product, there are chemicals present for fragrance, colour, enhancing shelf life, e.t.c.  Some of these chemicals can also produce irritation locally in some people. Moreover, the fairness producing creams contain corticosteroids. Long term use of corticosteroids leads to increased susceptibility of the skin to various infections and early wrinkling. There is dilatation of the blood vessels below the skin causing altered light colouration, also called fairness. Any allergy to these products can manifest in form of local blisters, sores, rashes, e.t.c. over the skin. There can also be sneezing, a running nose, and aggravation of asthma and in severe cases, there can be shock and even death.If one keeps good health, relaxed and smiling countenance, the face looks naturally glowing and beautiful. Natural and herbal products are better to use than the synthetic chemical based products. Papaya, avocado, cucumber, raw milk cream and turmeric are some of the many natural products when used over face and body, clean and rejuvenate the body, tone up the skin and reduce wrinkles. Cream of raw milk or the pulp of these fruits can be used as a face pack to obtain these benefits. Consumption of these fruits is also very useful for overall good health as well as imparting glow to the face.In your case you could be having an allergy and or associated chronic infection. Stop use of all products for some days. Get blood glucose done to exclude underlying diabetes which increases susceptibility to infections.  You can apply some local antiseptic cream like Povidone or Neosporin over the   swellings for about a week. They should subside. Otherwise I would suggest you consult a doctor who can examine you   physically and give specific suitable treatment. Dr. Rachna PandeSpecialist-internal medicine-Ruhengeri Hospital