Are you within your means this festive season?

‘Live within your means’. But what exactly does that phrase mean? Any parent will tell you that parenthood can be a very expensive venture.

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Plan the holiday season well. Net photo.

‘Live within your means’. But what exactly does that phrase mean? Any parent will tell you that parenthood can be a very expensive venture. No matter how much planning and saving and calculating you put into it, you’ll always find yourself falling a little short somewhere. If not financially, emotionally and on top of that you can never really be accident-proof. Even with all the immunisation schedules, between the sterilising, the baby proofing, the constant watchful eye of parents, relatives or hired carers, I can guarantee you that it will never be all smooth sailing. Even with all the help money can buy (if money is no object) it is really all in the hands of God! Not to rob the new parents of all the excitement of waiting and preparing for their bundle of joy, but it is only practical to watch where your money is going. Just like anything celebrated (birthdays, valentines, Christmas, New Year) babies are also highly commercialised. There are all sorts of goods and gadgets that will be thrown at you- fully furnished with marketing gimmicks of all sorts. From a nursing pillow to a swing that plays lullaby’s to put your baby to sleep. Vitamin drops to saline water in fancy packages – it’s still just fruit juice concentrate and salty water with a label! If you can afford it and you prefer it, by all means go for it. Personally I am a big believer in nature’s way and a healthy dose of maternal/paternal instincts. My disclaimer? Yes, I am a bit of a sceptic. Of course a lot of that is born of necessity and I am first to admit that my means are somewhat limited but I think it really does make sense to ask yourself "What am I really paying for?” I admit I bought some expensive baby nose drops once that cost 1000 times more than their worth and all it was, 10mls of saline in a fancy bottle and German label. Now with Christmas and the New Year festivities coming up, there are all sorts being marketed on the High streets. From bogus flaking tinsel to the top of the range hi-tech robotic gizmoz that happen to be the latest trend in children’s toys. And for the ever-demanding teenagers... all sorts of consumables that say ‘Hi-tech, High fashion and style’. Nowadays that means overpriced luxury goods that they will soon tire of within six months but still cost more than your average rent bill! The irony is you may still want to get your kids these overpriced goodies just for the sake of the expression of pure delight when they receive it - or even for that non-committal grunt of pleasure in the case of teenagers.So I guess we do come full circle as parents. Many times I’m sure we all aim for practicality but there will always be that point when you just give in a little no matter what your means... Festivities are just the ticket to justify that indulgent spend. But to myself and you all, a word of caution: spend sensibly and do not start off the new year in debt. Happy Holidays to you and your families.