Dr Jerkyll and Miss Hyde

I cannot be the only one who battles with two different worlds, don’t all women have alter egos that they hide from most people and only let a few into that world?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I cannot be the only one who battles with two different worlds, don’t all women have alter egos that they hide from most people and only let a few into that world? Ok, I’m not claiming I have split personality but I have my own ‘Sasha Fierce’ (as Beyonce’s famous alter ego is known) lurking just under the surface. I personally do not have an established alter ego because, truth be told, my ‘one’ life is already too tiring. So I cannot imagine having two lives to maintain; I would have to have two different closets and all that and I definitely don’t have the space in my little humble abode.I think one aspect of growing up and becoming a very mature woman is being able to be a professional, ambitious career woman while also remembering to have fun. In my ideal world, I would be Michelle Obama while my alter ego would be very similar to Rihanna. Don’t ask how I would keep up but I would wish to.By day I would wake up at 5:30, hit the gym and make sure the house is in order by the time I go to work. I would be at my best during my work hours and after work I would go volunteer somewhere or mentor some young students or be part of board meetings.Later on in the evening or weekends, I would dress up in some awesome outfits that would have all style blogs wondering how I put everything together. I would be the life of the party and just simply be fun all the time.In reality, I’m not and more recently this is something I am realising. There is no way to divide my time the way I wish. I cannot be in one city working hard all day, then party it up the next day with my hommies.  It is simply impossible. That is, unless I have a seriously amazing life filled with a bevy of assistants, chauffeur driven cars and a private jet thrown in for good measure. So, until then I will continue to live my own version of a crazy life where I barely have time for salon visits, manicures and pedicures while being reminded that I need to do laundry when I run out of underwear. So yes my life is busy but I’m no Michelle Obama or Rihanna but I am grateful for the life I have and one day I will be able to find a way to satisfy both personalities.