World Bank hosts children’s Christmas party

WORLD Bank staff in Rwanda yesterday thrilled children with Christmas celebrations, at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK).

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Mother Xmas Anya Johnson (R) gives a gift to a child at the party. The New Times/T. Kisambira.

WORLD Bank staff in Rwanda yesterday thrilled children with Christmas celebrations, at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK).Several children along with their parents gathered in the Paediatric Ward from where they received gifts from Santa Claus and the elf.They were also entertained with music and dance, performed by different local musicians.Jean Baptiste Maniragaba, a father to one of the children in the ward said it was very exciting to have people visit them as they are often abandoned by friends and relatives while hospitalised. He said that his child who suffers stomach pains will now have something to put a smile on his face this Christmas as he wasn’t expecting to receive any gifts from anywhere."We feel cared for and encouraged when we see people visiting us in hospital and giving us stuff. We only hope to get more kind hearted people like these to come check on us,” he said.Carrie Turk, the World Bank Country Director said this was an initiative of staff members to reach out to vulnerable children during this festive season."This is a little personal gesture from the staff members at the World Bank in Rwanda but we hope to do even bigger projects helping the vulnerable. We brought them clothes, toys and edibles among many other gifts,” she said.