Poem:Alex the Alley Cat

Alex the alley cat had no home.He was left out on the street to roam.Nobody ever seemed to carehow cold poor Alex was out there.Sometimes he had nothing to eat;not even fish or thrown out meat.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alex the alley cat had no home.He was left out on the street to roam.Nobody ever seemed to carehow cold poor Alex was out there.Sometimes he had nothing to eat;not even fish or thrown out meat.He seemed so grumpy everyday.He never smiled or liked to play.When others came, he ran awaylife was not easy as a stray.Poor Alex slept out on the ground.Perhaps that’s why he always frowned.He wished his life would turn around,but loneliness was all he found.But one day Alex found a friend,his loneliness had reached its end.She cared for him and held him near.She warmed his heart with love and cheer.She gave him food and kept him warm,and made sure he was safe from harm.She rocked him in a big brown chair,and treated him with love and care.No longer was he cold and scaredhe found someone who really cared.A friendship made him kind, not wild.He often purred and always smiled!Moral: A little kindness changes things.What happiness and joy it brings.When somebody is sad and bluedo something kind to help them through.www.familyfunshop.com