The benefits of learning how to swim

Swimming is a valuable skill for both children and adults, but it is best learned as a child for a variety of reasons. Swimming is an activity that can be done throughout the year in swimming pools, lakes, and even oceans. It’s fun!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Swimming is a valuable skill for both children and adults, but it is best learned as a child for a variety of reasons. Swimming is an activity that can be done throughout the year in swimming pools, lakes, and even oceans. It’s fun!In a safe environment, learning how to float on water is essential when learning how to swim, in order to prevent drowning. You should always be supervised in the water regardless of your swimming ability.Swimming can aid your physical development. Swimming requires coordination of both the arms and the legs, something that many other sports and activities don’t offer. Swimming strokes like the breaststroke and the butterfly involve the arms and legs doing very different motions at the same time. This helps the development of coordination and gross motor skills. In addition, this will help you develop a higher level thinking skill as you are forced to think about your movements.Enrolling in swimming classes also provides socialising opportunities because most swim lessons are in groups.You will create friendships with other kids and never know, they may turn out to be lasting ones.