The youth’s role in promoting peace

Secondary students from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda on Friday completed a three day conference during which they acquired skills on promoting peace in their schools. The conference was organised by World Vision Rwanda.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Students from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda pose for a group photo after the conference. The New Times/Grace Mugoya

Secondary students from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda on Friday completed a three day conference during which they acquired skills on promoting peace in their schools. The conference was organised by World Vision Rwanda."We were taught that, as students, it is our obligation to inform fellow students of the dangers of conflicts, especially that come as a result of segregation based on colour, language or even wealth,” said  Juliet Larabi, a senior three student at Kiserian Secondary School in Kenya.She explained that the conference was of great importance based on the experience participants shared from their respective schools. During the conference that took place in Kigali, students were trained on various issues, mainly the ones that lead to conflict, and how they can play a role in making their communities better places to live in.Peace Ngabire, a student who represented Nyakayaga Secondary School in Gatsibo district, Eastern Province, said that it was the first time she had attended such a conference."I am so happy that I have mingled with students from other countries. We shared experience and discussed the causes of conflicts in our schools and communities,” said Ngabire.The senior three student said that the information she acquired will help her teach other students how best they can behave in society.