Students should always be ready for exams

Editor,That’s not an excuse. If you are a student you should always be prepared for exams. Particularly nurses should know how to handle any emergence. What else do these nursing students want? They must be serious and determined.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Editor,That’s not an excuse. If you are a student you should always be prepared for exams. Particularly nurses should know how to handle any emergence. What else do these nursing students want? They must be serious and determined.

If you are good students you must expect an exam anytime. It is a shame to spend 2-3 years studying and then you fail to do your final exams which may take just around 15 hours. Best wishesSemugeshi, Kacyiru ----------------------------------Editor, Preparation is always a must for students. Otherwise why would the Ministry of Education announce the timetable for exams before hand? School authorities did not play their rightful role and should take the blame.(Reactions to the story, Nursing students in protest over national exams, The New Times, December 18) Eddy, Kigali