Web sites must be giving up to date information

Dear editor, Through your paper I would like to call up on government institutions and ministries to kindly update their websites. You will be disappointed after visiting some official websites only to find that figures and information available are four to Five years old.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dear editor,

Through your paper I would like to call up on government institutions and ministries to kindly update their websites. You will be disappointed after visiting some official websites only to find that figures and information available are four to Five years old.

With the help of the National Institute of Statistics, surveys should be carried out to provide baseline figures that can be consumed by the regional and international community.

Recently World Bank evaluation ranked NISR best with 71 percent statistical capacity to deliver information, why can’t institutions and ministries embrace the position to feed the world with updated information.

I would like to hail Finance and Economic planning and Local government ministries for their websites are ever updated.

Please Tea development authority should do us a favour and update its website so that we can access up to date figures and information.
