Genocide fugitives: France’s behavior not surprising

Editor,The fact that France doesn’t bring the required justice regarding this matter confirms its complicity in the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Editor,The fact that France doesn’t bring the required justice regarding this matter confirms its complicity in the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Shame on those who plan to exterminate a race, shame on those who have become a shelter of killers and exterminators, shame on those who don’t bring about justice because they by so doing they are judging themselves. This is because of a fear that all these fugitives would reveal some hidden secrets.Anonymous, France---------------------------------Editor, There is evidence of international injustice when a super power is an accomplice! Wait and see is never see, at one time we shall see justice done. Our resilience is the way to go, our determination is the answer, never ever shall we wait until "never again” is relevant across races and ages.Augustus, Rwanda(Online reactions to the story, France; a haven for Genocide fugitives? The New Times, December 17)