Pursue your dreams, First Lady tells KIDS

THE First Lady Mrs Jeanette Kagame, yesterday advised children to not only have dreams but to also work towards achieving them.

Sunday, December 16, 2012
First Lady Jeannette Kagame arrives for the party at Presidentu2019s office. The Sunday Times/T. Kisambira.

THE First Lady Mrs Jeanette Kagame, yesterday advised children to not only have dreams but to also work towards achieving them.While having an interactive dialogue with the children, Mrs Kagame told them to work hard in order to have a bright future and live their dreams.This was during the Children’s End of Year Party hosted by the First Lady’s Office, which attracted over 100 children between the ages of 7 and 12.Mrs Kagame said that it is a good tradition to meet with the children and celebrate the end of the year while giving thanks to God for seeing them through."If it was possible we would be inviting all the children in Rwanda but we just invite a few. We expect you to be our representatives. Share what you have learnt here with other children,” she told the children.She also advised them to be mindful of the friends they hang around, adding that bad friends ruin good character.Twelve-year-old Donatile Mukyeshimana, a resident of Musanze, Ruhengeri District, was among the children at the party who were so excited about the event.She told The Sunday Times that it was a very big moment for her to meet with the First Lady. "It’s also my first time to come to Kigali and I am so excited about this. I didn’t have a school bag and books but the First Lady has given them to me as gifts today,” she cheerfully said.