Foods to prepare for your family on Christmas

There is nothing that pleases me when I am home with my family than preparing food for them. Women today are very busy, and honestly most of us are; but that should not be a reason as to why you cannot set aside some time to prepare healthy food for your family especially during the festive season.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

There is nothing that pleases me when I am home with my family than preparing food for them. Women today are very busy, and honestly most of us are; but that should not be a reason as to why you cannot set aside some time to prepare healthy food for your family especially during the festive season.Christmas is here ladies, I know most of you are busy but can you please set aside time this Christmas and prepare something special for your family? BreakfastChristmas comes once a year. That is why it is agreed to spoil yourself and your family on this day. Welcoming your family to a delicious buffet of breakfast is what each one of us needs. A hearty breakfast is a great way to start the day, and the perfect beginning to welcome the day and the memories made thereof. The smell of a home-cooked breakfast is enough to wake even the laziest. Whole wheat bread, pancakes, bacon, sausages, baked beans, eggs and everything else that you think your family would love to have for breakfast – prepare for them.LunchComing home from Christmas service to find a hearty and warm special lunch prepared is what most families look up to. Mashed potatoes, rice, pilau, biryani, chicken, roast meat, chapatti, green bananas, ugali and beans – all these are variety of foods that you can prepare. For most families, Christmas is not complete without making a traditional roasted turkey, which is the main focus of the ultimate Christmas Day feast.CakeChristmas cake is a must-have, especially if you have children. From classic rich fruit cake to mini Christmas cakes and even a chocolate Christmas cake. If you bake the cake yourself, that will save you from additional costs and give you a choice of decorating it. Even when you are going to order one from the bakers, choose a modern Christmas cake with an elegant touch by topping it with iced shooting stars or Santa Claus! It can also be toppled with oodles of Christmas tree decorations. I always let my children do the cake decorations themselves. This way they get to have their cake and eat it! Dinner An easy Christmas dinner that can be organised without any particular hassle becomes desirable particularly when you are hard-pressed for time with visitors around. A stuffed, roasted chicken together with vegetables and rice on the side is easy to prepare and serve. Christmas dinner will also depend on the family – if your special moment is dinner then it should be heavy. If not, you can always make something out of the leftovers from lunch. Whatever you prepare for your family, just make sure they enjoy it to the fullest.Each family has their tradition on how they celebrate this day; some families treat it as a family-only event, while for others it is a day for mingling with lost friends and family. Whichever is your tradition, just make sure you have plenty to eat and drink and be merry, after all it is Christmas!