Sharing is a source of blessings

Dear little ones, God’s lovely children, have you ever thought how sharing is a blessings? Once upon a time there lived a child who believed in Jesus as her personal saviour. She liked sharing with others because that is what she was taught in her Sunday school.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Dear little ones, God’s lovely children, have you ever thought how sharing is a blessings? Once upon a time there lived a child who believed in Jesus as her personal saviour. She liked sharing with others because that is what she was taught in her Sunday school.

Time came when both of her parents died. This little girl had to get out of school because she had no one to cater for her school fees.

Since she was alone, life became too hard for her. She decided to go and stay on streets with other street children so that she can get food to eat.

One night as she was thinking about the lessons her Sunday school teacher used to teach them, she remembered what her teacher said one time.

"Children who love sharing with others, whatever they ask God, who is also our Father, He is able to give everything they the want.”

Immediately the little girl prayed a simple prayer believing in what her teacher said. The night she prayed saying that "Father I have always shared with my friends as you requested me. Please Father God, send some one to take me away from this street life.

Very early in the morning she went begging from a person she saw and as she was standing, a white car drove and stopped by her.

"Little girl what are you doing here?” asked the woman in the car. She told the rich woman her story. The rich woman had pity on her and asked her if she would accept to go to the woman’s house.

The woman told her that she could stay at her home and promised to educate her up to senior six. She even promised to take her for further studies. The girl did not believe what the rich lady said.

She said, "Could you please repeat for me what you have just said?” and the lady repeated. With a lot of joy the young girl entered the car and went with the lady to her home.

The rich woman later educated the little girl up to the university. The woman was later filled was later blessed with more riches that she didn’t even know where it came from.

Dear children have you seen how sharing with others is a blessing? If you are a giver, God will always reward you, He will also answer all your prayers.                         
