Editorial: Need to care for children

Punishment that harms children is bad. Children who are given such punishments are likely to be bruised, get swellings, and small cuts.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Punishment that harms children is bad. Children who are given such punishments are likely to be bruised, get swellings, and small cuts.

In rare cases however children suffer more serious injuries such as broken fingers, wrists or knocked out teeth, internal injuries and even death. Teachers should avoid such punishments.

Teachers should use other ways to redirect learners on minor offenses such as talking in class, wearing torn or dirty uniforms, being unable to answer a question, or failing to perform well in exams.

Children who are given hard punishments tend to develop hatred and fear for people who give them the punishments. They can not therefore learn.  

Children may fail or refuse to do the assignment given to them by a person who always abuse or violet their rights at school. 

However we can’t say that children shouldn’t be disciplined when they do wrong. Children should be disciplined but not in a cruel way.

They need to be corrected or punished in a way that doesn’t harm them. Let parents and teachers handle children with care so that we prepare a future generation free from abuse of any kind.
