Teachers decry delay in payment of arrears

Editor,I wish to address my letter to the Hon. State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education. Yes, districts are not doing their part to rectify the errors in teachers’ arrears but I think, at the same time, the Ministry of Education should lead this to a good ending.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Editor,I wish to address my letter to the Hon. State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education. Yes, districts are not doing their part to rectify the errors in teachers’ arrears but I think, at the same time, the Ministry of Education should lead this to a good ending.If districts fail to meet the deadline, there must be some ways of dealing with it from other angles. There is no way this should continue to go on unchallenged unless there is any other magic shortcut to end this. How will the rest of teachers feel like when only those in Butare and Bugesera get their arrears paid? Why can’t those playing endless tactics to our teachers be questioned for their inaction? Thank you.John , Kigali(Reaction to the story, "Teachers decry delay in payment of arrears, The New Times, December 13).