A true eating legend

Well, walking around Butare I happened to pass by three boys from the National University of Rwanda. One of the boys was boasting of how he managed to save Frw1000 and was hitting the self service restaurant. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Well, walking around Butare I happened to pass by three boys from the National University of Rwanda. One of the boys was boasting of how he managed to save Frw1000 and was hitting the self service restaurant.  His friends cursed and wished they were him. Like that wasn’t enough, he continued boasting and comparing his new found restaurant to the one where he normally eats from. Time for lunch came and I rushed to the restaurant to witness this boy putting his RWF 1000 to maximum use. The boy seemed caring as he waited for as many people to serve themselves as possible, and when the way was clear, he picked his plate and started the journey down the buffet. This is how it went. Starting with rice, he got the spoon and leveled it to a thin layer, then put a hole in the middle of it and poured meat soup and leveled it again. He then moved on to the chips, holding some that where falling off with his hand. For a moment there I thought he was coming to take a seat and enjoy his meal, but alas, he was just getting started.He then went back to the rice and placed some more on the top. He put a hole in the middle and poured bean soup in it. He then followed it with a layer of spaghetti. With meat still left untouched and his plate full, you’d think he would get a clue and sit down but no, this didn’t mean anything to him. Ask me what he did. With toothpicks, he pricked the meat and placed it firmly on the chips. I sensed I wasn’t the only one shocked by his behaviour as other people kept staring. I prayed he would stop after picking about three pieces of meat, but trust me, this boy wasn’t done yet! He picked more meat till there was no more room for even a toothpick. In deep amusement, the restaurant manager stood there watching him. This is all she could say, "Eat, but please don’t come back again.” Rumour has it that from that day, there is a notice firmly placed above the meat section that says pick one piece please.