Taxi drivers please stop taking us to petrol stations

Dear editor, I have great complain about drivers who really do not care about passengers. This has persistently increased over time.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Dear editor,
I have great complain about drivers who really do not care about passengers. This has persistently increased over time.

It’s a bad habit that has got to stop forthwith because I believe no passenger is happy about it. When you enter a taxi, the next stage is the petrol station.

And this is common when you are leaving Nyabugogo Taxi Park. Irresponsible drivers have got to take you to the nearby petrol station whether you want or not.

I have a fear that one day dangers associated with fire will occur and claim people’s lives. I therefore appeal to the taxi drivers to always fill their tanks with petrol before taking on passengers.

The police should help us and fit it in this wrong, in other traffic offenses like it is in developed countries. After all the work of the police is to keep law and order and taking a taxi full of passengers is a sign of great disorderly and hence infringes a certain law.
