Habits I asked her to drop this year

Looking through my emails and phone history  We are all occasionally curious about whom our other half is texting, emailing and calling -- especially if they seem glued to the phone.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Women sometimes cause their own misery with things that shouldnu2019t matter. Net photo.

Looking through my emails and phone history We are all occasionally curious about whom our other half is texting, emailing and calling -- especially if they seem glued to the phone. I accept that her curiosity is natural, but checking my cell phone is a sign of total lack of trust, which isn’t healthy for a relationship.Stalking his social media accountsDo not stalk my social media pages!!! We all have a tendency to read too much into Facebook status updates or tweets, but doing so can create more drama in a woman’s head than the situation actually deserves.Staying attached to exesMany women are tempted to be in frequent communication with their exes. It is normal to think of an ex from time to time even when in a new healthy and happy relationship, but it is counterproductive to stay attached to an ex online or offline.Losing who you areLosing her personality may not seem obvious at first, but it can easily happen if she spends too much time with me. Her friends and family members are upset that she never calls.Comparing your relationship to othersI just don’t know when she will stop looking at other peoples relationships and seeing the good in them and only the bad in ours. She just can’t stop telling me of what we don’t have or do yet so and so s apparently blessed! We are not them…move on!