Fat or slim, men will love you anyway

Dear It’s a guy thing, I’m a young woman who is having trouble meeting guys and I really take it upon myself.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear It’s a guy thing,I’m a young woman who is having trouble meeting guys and I really take it upon myself. This is because I’m kind of on the bigger side in terms of my body shape. All my friends tell me I’m smart and have a great personality but that doesn’t matter if no guys ever look at me. Do men really care about a woman’s weight or are there some who actually want to get to know you on the inside?SarahDear Sarah,Well, women come in all shapes and sizes. It’s been like that for millennia and it will continue for millennia more. Men have been chasing women, not just skinny ones, for the same amount of time. Certainly some men will invariably not find you attractive because of your weight. However, there are plenty of men who like their women on the plus side. So, your weight really shouldn’t be an issue. I think the issue might be that you give off a vibe that doesn’t attract men’s attention. For example, if you don’t feel good about your body image, this translates to the way you carry yourself. Women who are confident are always attractive, simply because they seem comfortable in their own skin. So, if you DO have an issue with your weight, perhaps you should visit the gym? Just make sure you are doing it for yourself.If you have a question to ask, email itsaguything@newtimes.co.rw