Community Police to fight crime

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Rubavu district Mayor Celestine Twagirayezu has called upon Community Police Committees to fight against the escalating crime rate in the district.

Monday, June 09, 2008


RUBAVU — Rubavu district Mayor Celestine Twagirayezu has called upon Community Police Committees to fight against the escalating crime rate in the district.

Twagirayezu made the call recently while meeting police officials, local leaders and the Community Policing Committees (CPs) members from all the 12 sectors that make up Rubavu district. The meeting was discussing how the CPs can help in curbing down crime.

"Sustainable peace and security are fundamental factors in society. Security is very vital in the country’s vision 2020,” the Mayor said.

He called upon the CP committees to work hard and always share information with the police and the district authorities.

He added that although the police had played a big role in fighting crime, a lot had to be done to wipe out the few remaining insurgencies.

Gisenyi is still characterized by various crimes most especially land disputes, illegal importation of goods from Goma, theft and robbery.

Twagirayezu said that the district authority and police were doing every thing possible to stop some residents who were continuously smuggling drugs such as marijuana from the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

"Community policing committees were set up as a method of decentralization. They are meant to give residents a role to participate in security maintenance of their own communities. That is why I urge you to work harder towards achieving the vision,’ he added.

"You know crimes that take place in your communities and the people involved. You have been given the authority to deal with such criminals through working hand in hand with the police. So use that authority entrusted to you for the betterment and development of our district” Twagirayezu said.

Mary Gahonzaire the deputy police boss said that although CP committees still had a lot of challenges, she was impressed by their current coopolice about what is taking place in their community, we can together fight against insecurities and crimes thus making Rubavu a better place to live and concentrate on development,” she said. She called upon residents who are said to illegally own guns to hand them over to the authorities.

According to Cloud Habyarimana one of the CP committee members, the committees will  do every thing possible to ensure sustainable peace and security.

"We shall work hard and share information with the police which we hope will improve security in our communities,” he said.
