Smile! It won’t cost you a thing

A smile costs nothing but gives so much. A smile takes a moment but the memory of it lasts forever. Putting a smile on someone’s face is one of the best feelings.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Show off that beautiful smile. Net photo.

A smile costs nothing but gives so much. A smile takes a moment but the memory of it lasts forever. Putting a smile on someone’s face is one of the best feelings.Girls are not good at faking smiles but when necessary, they will. For instance, when they are in a bad mood and do not want to be rude when someone tries to talk to them, they flash a plastic smile that doesn’t last longer than a second!  As for my fellow boys, they always seem gloomy, as if smiling is a taboo or very expensive. Most boys have calm faces; they never smile in photos or even at weddings. They hang onto the false belief that this is swag but believe me… that is so not swag! Some poorly think that smiling is for girls.Recently, at a certain ceremony I attended in town, the guy supposed to welcome the guests looked anything BUT welcoming! The look on his face was so gloomy, it was easy for guests to turn back and leave. I felt sorry for the guests yet to come and decided to get up and do the ushering myself. I believe everyone loves a welcoming smile and when it comes to business, a smile will keep the customers happy too! Mother Teresa said, every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person and a beautiful thing. So smile because it will cost you nothing. The writer is an 18 year old teenager