Stealing is as strong as any addiction can be

I have come to realise that strong addictions are not only where drugs and alcohol are concerned, as some people think. There are other addictions that many people, especially teenagers, are undeniably enclosed in.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have come to realise that strong addictions are not only where drugs and alcohol are concerned, as some people think. There are other addictions that many people, especially teenagers, are undeniably enclosed in.Some people do not consider stealing an addiction, even when it happens repeatedly. I confirmed that stealing is in fact an addiction like any other through the worst experience - by a former school mate about a year ago.This dude came from a posh family, filthy rich to be exact, with his future brightly curved out for him. The most shocking thing is that the guy was caught – red handed - several times stealing friends’ property which by the way, didn’t even compete in value with the things he owned!  His ‘sticky fingers’ always left people baffled beyond words. And can you blame us? Nobody expects a rich kid to do such demeaning things…not that stealing is for the disadvantaged because there are less fortunate people out there who would never do such a thing. But what is a rich kid’s excuse?At first I literally believed it was a habit that he would outgrow, also, due to the bitter reactions that followed after his ‘sticky finger’ escapades and his endless promises never to indulge in such acts again, I believed it would end. But the fact that he was caught doing the unacceptable just a few weeks after one very embarrassing incident made me believe without doubt, that to him, stealing had ceased being a common habit he can kick (like biting finger nails) it was a bonafide  addiction.Other than taking things that do not belong to you, stealing also brings shame and disrespect, not only to you but to your friends and family. Let us not forget that some people do not take too kindly to theft, and won’t hesitate to pull out whips and whatever they can get their hands on once faced with one. I urge you to be determined and creative; focus on things that will build you in a positive way, rather than stealing your way through life! The writer is an 18 year old teenager