Tributes for the late Aloisea Inyumba

Editor, For sure, deep, down inside our hearts we will never forget you, Inyumba.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Editor,For sure, deep, down inside our hearts we will never forget you, Inyumba.We, as Rwandans, shall always remember you for your love for the nation. You tried your level best to help transform this nation before and after the liberation war. Thank you for making us what we are now; we now have place to call home.I do believe that your soul is resting in eternal peace; condolence to your husband, son and daughter, and may GOD comfort them in these hard times.Jackson, Nyagatare

------------------------------------Editor,We are already missing you, dear Inyumba! God had created you in a very special way that nobody can replace you. Your love for the nation shall always be treasured and your legacy shall remain in our hearts. Thank you for making sure that we have a place we call home. I believe your soul is resting in God’s hands. May the Lord comfort your dear husband, children and your lovely mom.Emertha Uwanyirigira, Belgium