It’s a shame France is protecting Genocide fugitives!

Editor, Did anyone ever doubt that the French would always find a way of welcoming her (Agathe Habyarimana) in their bosom? After all they were her accomplice in her genocidal crimes and flew her to Paris, welcomed her with roses, fed and housed her and did everything in their power to shield her.

Monday, December 10, 2012
A past Gacaca session. Thousands of Genocide suspects were tried through the community justice system. The New Times/File.

Editor,Did anyone ever doubt that the French would always find a way of welcoming her (Agathe Habyarimana) in their bosom? After all they were her accomplice in her genocidal crimes and flew her to Paris, welcomed her with roses, fed and housed her and did everything in their power to shield her. I am always amazed at those who still believe the French State and Establishment can ever or will ever disown their Rwanda genocidal associates. The scales should have fallen from your eyes long, long ago and realise that the French were always going through a very thin charade of seeming to be deliberating about her. After all she is the Queen Genocidaire of their former client State and is privy to too much of their secrets. Also remember the genocidal interim Government of (Col. Theoneste) Bagosora was created under the patronage of the French ambassador in Kigali. Remember further not one genocidaires has been tried, let alone extradited from France. (Reaction to the story, "France offers permanent residence to Mrs Habyarimana, Genocide survivors irked”, The New Times, December 10).Mwene Kalinda