Peace Corps volunteers deployed in schools

Thirty two Peace Corps education volunteers have been deployed in various schools countrywide.

Sunday, December 09, 2012
American Peace corps at the sewaring in. The New Times.

Thirty two Peace Corps education volunteers have been deployed in various schools countrywide. The United States Ambassador to Rwanda, Donald Koran, yesterday swore in the team at the US Ambassador’s residence in Kacyiru, Gasabo district. Present were representatives from the ministry of education.Speaking at the event, Koran said that the initiative is one of the indicators of the good relations Rwanda enjoys with the United States."This group will be here and will serve for two years, and this is our commitment in contributing to the development and promotion of quality education in this country,” Koran said.He explained that the volunteers have been in the country for three months learning more about the country, culture and language. He pointed out that the team will not only focus on teaching students, but also train teachers.This is the eighth group of Peace Corps volunteers that will operate in the country since 1994, according to the Peace Corps Country Director, Steve Miller.Miller said that since this initiative started, close to 300 volunteers have served Rwanda.He pointed out that currently, there are 111 Peace Corps volunteers with some supporting in the health sector.Damien Ntaganzwa the deputy director general at Rwanda Education Board in charge of teacher development and management said that the initiative will effectively contribute or supplement government efforts to further promote education."This will not only help students, but the initiative to engage teachers in trainings is also part of the government`s agenda in line with building capacity so that they (teachers) carry out their work effectively,” Ntaganzawa said.He promised that government will provide the necessary support to ensure that team works without any challenges.