Uphold professional ethics, graduates told

The head of Education Planning in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Erasme Rwanamiza, has urged graduates from Kigali Health Institute to up hold professional morals of the health sector as they are abosrded into the job market.

Sunday, December 09, 2012
KHI students cheer after graduation on Friday. The Sunday Times / Timothy Kisambira.

The head of Education Planning in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Erasme Rwanamiza, has urged graduates from Kigali Health Institute to up hold professional morals of the health sector as they are abosrded into the job market."Rwanda needs you, your graduation comes at a time when the sector needs more qualified nurses. You should be committed, well behaved, careful and use the skills you acquired, the country expects much from you,”  said Rwanamiza.While presiding over the graduation of over 370 students on Friday, Rwanamuiza said; "You are sent out to help the communities fight against diseases and this isn’t the end of it all, do more research to sharpen on the skills you have acquired.” During the ceremony, 166 graduands were awarded advanced diplomas, 195 were awarded bachelor degrees.For the first time, two students were awarded Masters in Critical care and trauma nursing.Other nine students were awarded post graduate certificates in professional counseling.The institute’s chairman of the board, Emmanuel Gasagure also challenged graduates to use the knowledge they have acquired well to be more productive and of good service to the community."Knowledge is better when well used, it is an heritage that never gets old” said GasagureThe acting Rector of KHI, Dr. Chantal Kabagabo congratulated the students for their hard work and urged them to serve the communities with maximum compassion and dignity. "Deliver to the people the care you wish for yourself,” The graduands expressed contentment to serve the community as a reward of what has been invested in them. "It is very interesting that I graduate, it has been a very long journey, I am now ready to serve the community,  I will try my best to help my patients said Jean d’Amour Irankunda Kayonga a post graduate in Professional counseling "I am very thankful, the today is the harvest of what I have been cultivating, I thank all of those that have help us along the way,” said Joselyne Rugema a graduand in general nursing.