So the right seed

A few weeks ago I saw some street kids threatening a certain car driver that if he did not give them any money they would spit on him, throw stones into his car and put him to shame for being a miser. Well, the man ignored them, locked the screen of the car and sped off.

Saturday, December 08, 2012
Robert Bake

A few weeks ago I saw some street kids threatening a certain car driver that if he did not give them any money they would spit on him, throw stones into his car and put him to shame for being a miser. Well, the man ignored them, locked the screen of the car and sped off.

Because I was standing on the roadside, I became the next target. The kids came and walked with me, making the same threats. When I refused to give them money they hurled all kinds of insults at me but I did not feel guilty.A few days later, I was in a certain restaurant for lunch when a boy of a round the same age approached our table. The first thing I noticed on him was a wide smile. He cracked a joke and then asked us to use his weighing scale at pay him some little money. He said he had been a street kid who got transformed and decided to return to school. So by supporting his business we would be contributing to his education. I never weighed myself but I gave him some money that was three times what he had asked for. He was so happy. He knelt down and thanked me. I felt even guilty for giving him little. Don’t ask me whether I was fair or not by giving this boy more when he already had something and refusing to give the beggars who had nothing. If you asked Jesus he would remind you that to those who have more will be added while for those who don’t even the little they have will be taken away.There is some kind of unwritten law that makes us attract more good things once we already have some or have some qualities that pull them. If you are kind, you will most likely attract kindness towards you. When you are rude, people will not feel guilty treating you rudely. If you have no love for people in your heart, people will also find it difficult to love you.Some people have called this the law of attraction. And for every law obedience is rewarded while disobedience is punished. Take an example of the law of gravity. The day you try to jump from one tree to another the law will deal with you. It’s the same with the law of attraction our mindset, attitude, character, knowledge, skills and behaviour determines whether we attract good or bad things. To be able to attract positive things we have to consistently think about and do positive things. We must have a chain of habits that characterize success-minded people. If you decide to consistently be waking up at 5am to pray, set yourself and get to work by 6:15am, you will certainly reap certain benefits that those who sleep till 9am won’t reap. If you want success in your business, work, career, marriage or community, consistently sow the right seed. You can’t sow weeds and expect to harvest crops.Bake is the Managing Director of WORLD OF INSPIRATION & Founder of the AUTHORS’ FORUM in Uganda – / +256-704666851