Christmas comes early

As I told you, it was Thanks Giving Day, just towards the end of November. It is quite amazing how much folks value the Christmas and its accompanying festivities! 

Saturday, December 08, 2012

As I told you, it was Thanks Giving Day, just towards the end of November. It is quite amazing how much folks value the Christmas and its accompanying festivities!  By the first day of December, the whole country is suffering from Christmas "fever”!  As I said earlier, Thanks Giving sales hit the US$50 billion mark that was just for a few days.  Now, there are all sorts of sales here and there, it is estimated that, the Christmas sales could more than quadruple the former.So far, the prices of items are changing in two directions, the winter items are getting more and more expensive as the summer ones see their prices fall obscenely!  Believe you me, you could get a very nice summer shirt for as little as ten dollars, the same might have cost about sixty nearly two months ago!  Thanks to what they call Amerika!  The sad thing with such sales is that, with the rock bottom prices, you might be tempted to buy what you don’t actually need!We used to hear of "White Christmas”, not any more, it has become a reality.  The other day, it was snowing and everything was white.  It was as if we were living near a huge factory producing cassava flour! White dust particles were falling from the sky and everything was quickly covered in a fine layer of white dust!  I only wondered if that had happened in Tropical Africa, how we would have copped.  Mostprobably we would have moved out draped into our blankets like our kin and kith in Southern Africa! As I was saying, the whole place was white in no time, even us (the Blacks), were white in the snow!  I just remembered my brother, the Diaspoman, I was left wondering as to how he used to survive back here! I met a number of guys spading the snow out of the sidewalks and I was told that, these guys could earn as much as US$15 per hour, by the end of the day, the guys bag as much as US$100!  Believe you me, at the end of such a hard and cold day, one has no alternative but to go for the BUDWEISER (ask Diaspoman, he knows it well).  By the way, that is the equivalent of AMSTEL! There are all tribes of drinks; most popular is the Bud Weiser, bottled and daft but all test great!  Just the mention of a cold beer makes many throats shiver! In spite of the cold and snow, we always end up have the cold or froth Bud Weiser; after all, the Swahili say, "Dawa ya Motto ni motto” (fight fire with fire)!   In our case, we fight the cold with Cold Bud Weiser!  In those old days, while at Kitante Hill School, we had  a guy from the Northern Connection known as Oloya, he used to call the "Kasaquine”(crude waragi) as an Internal Blanket!  Guys, I gota go, the Bud Weiser is getting warm!