A tribute to a great patriot

Farewell Hon. Aloisea Inyumba. Your departure is a great loss to RPF Inkotanyi, to the entire Rwandan nation, the African continent and the humankind, particularly women and children.

Friday, December 07, 2012
The late Gender Minister Aloisea Inyumba

Farewell Hon. Aloisea Inyumba. Your departure is a great loss to RPF Inkotanyi, to the entire Rwandan nation, the African continent and the humankind, particularly women and children.You have been a shining example of true sacrifice, for you dedicated your life to one noble goal, our country’s liberation, reconstruction and development. You did not labour in vain, for the fruits of your labour are eternally visible and irreversible.Twenty-five years ago when you and other patriots launched the struggle for national liberation, Rwanda was not only a dwarf politically and economically speaking, but also a laughing stock among nations. Today, as you depart, with a job well-done, Rwanda is no longer a dwarf but a great giant with a place in the community of nations.As you worked hard alongside great men and women of this great nation to bring us where we are today, in you, we saw a re-incarnation of Ndabaga and other heroines and heroes who have inspired the Rwandan youth generation after generation.We shall never forget your dexterity in the field of mass mobilization, your prudent and exemplary leadership in the management of public funds, your sense of humility and compassion to all, especially the vulnerable, the women and children.In memory of your great sacrifice, the values you stood for; national unity and reconciliation, hard work and human dignity to mention just a few, will always be upheld and promoted by our generation and generations to come.Rest in Peace Great Patriot. The struggle continues.Tony Kulamba, Kigali.