TIG escapees warned

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Inmates serving their sentences in minimum security prisons commonly known as TIG have been warned against escaping from their camps.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


NGOMA — Inmates serving their sentences in minimum security prisons commonly known as TIG have been warned against escaping from their camps.

Once caught escaping, the inmates have been told they would be taken back to the main prisons without compromise.

Evaliste Bizimana, the national Executive Secretary of TIG, said this over the weekend in Jarama sector, Ngoma district where he had paid a visit to see TIG activities.

He met with about 500 prisoners TIG at Jarama camp. "Escaping means you are against the government system of pardoning you to achieve total peace, unity and reconciliation,” Bizimana said.

He added, "Our country does not have the economy to build prisons but it instead has the economy to eradicate poverty.

But it will not fail to secure prisons for those who have deaf ears. It’s a pity for some of you to think that by this time, the government will continue pardoning you even after you were pardoned at first and you refuse intentionally to fulfill what was agreed.”

He urged them to love their work and be disciplined while serving their sentences. He further told them to always remember that what they are doing is a punishment though it can not be equated with the crimes they committed.

He however urged then to be active in their home activities once they go home after completing their sentences and told them to associate with other people in the villages to fight for unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.

The Ngoma district Mayor Niyotwagira Francois urged the inmates to learn something that will help them in the future.

TIG a community service punishment handed to convicts of  the 1994 Genocide. Over 100 hectares of terraces have been prepared and 18 hectares of pineapples planted through TIG since it was launched in Jarama sector in November last year.

Also about 1500 trees have been planted. They also visited TIG camp in Gashanda sector which has about 300 prisoners. There are 1800 people serving their sentences in TIG in the whole district.
