An Eskimo will buy a fridge before a rich woman keeps a man

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. Although this adage is older than the Egyptian pyramids, it is very much present in many people’s lives today .It is the gospel truth that ladies at the highest financial tier find it hard to get men to settle down with.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. Although this adage is older than the Egyptian pyramids, it is very much present in many people’s lives today .It is the gospel truth that ladies at the highest financial tier find it hard to get men to settle down with. It’s not that men are intimidated by powerful women as some people think. Being a successful career woman is a dream but it is widely believed that it IS the single woman’s albatross when it comes to marriage or relationships.Let me tell you a secret; men intentionally ignore women as an act of revenge. The truth is that most guys hate it when women make more money, we can’t admit it openly so we hate it silently. So full of hate we are that it forces us to ignore the hassle these women go through to get to where they are. We simply don’t care. It is like they are stepping on a man’s ego. Quite infuriating. And the unwavering support they give the gender equality caravan? Annoying beyond words. We hate gender equality too – come on guys, admit it. We act like we support it but it is only to seem civilised. When a women cruises an expensive ride, we create our own version of how she acquired it, a version that will soothe our bruised ego. Before women get all ‘China O’Brian’ on me, remember this is not our own making, we were handed superiority by our creator- religious creeds amplified it and culture backed us up all the way. We have no problem with equality; we just need to feel that sense of power, like the ‘provider’ in the relationship.If you’re loaded, men will try to date you because you are of another class – we like class! But that’s it! Marriage is another issue, because high class women are aggressive and dominating.Men want nurturing and flexible women, the ones capable of looking after a family and not just bank accounts. I stand to be corrected but I believe it’s easier to find a refrigerator in an igloo than an alpha woman finding time to actually cook, look after the kids and spend quality time with her husband. RWF 100,000 says there is not a single one around!