Appreciate what you have

Dear editor,As a patriot who greatly loves this country of Rwanda, it breaks my heart to hear people who are not excited by the successes of others.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Dear editor,
As a patriot who greatly loves this country of Rwanda, it breaks my heart to hear people who are not excited by the successes of others.

There are people who are forever envying and putting down others for no apparent reason.

On my way to work I noticed a difference between two smelly guys in a taxi, I believe they were going to Nyabugogo because no one in their right mind would go smelling stale to work, a black sleek posh car just rolled steadily past the taxi.

To my amazement everyone in the taxi was just eying the car and I don’t know if this triggered hidden feelings of envy in the driver. He just added gear and tried to overtake the sleek car.

I thought he was may be in a hurry to grab some passengers at the next stage since some had been emptied at ‘Kwa Lando’, but his grumblings and further increase in speed sold him out.

The driver was just not amused by this cool car overtaking the rather worn out taxi, and he was so furious and full of envy just because of this.

People need to know that not everyone can drive a posh car; some people need to ride bicycles so that there is a balance in society.

Learning how to appreciate whatever you have is important because better things will always come your way.