Wash that makeup off before you go to bed

Sometimes, after a long, hard day, we just want to plop into bed – not interested in anything else, more so, washing off our makeup. 

Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Wash all the makeup off before going to bed for healthier skin. Net photo.

Sometimes, after a long, hard day, we just want to plop into bed – not interested in anything else, more so, washing off our makeup.  Some women, and this is a fact, are literally scared to be seen without makeup so washing it off is not an option, especially if their better half is around! However, while we rely on makeup to enhance our beauty, sleeping with makeup has negative effects. It damages the skin and eyes, actually hindering our natural beauty more than enhancing it. Below are reasons why the mascara and Mac powder need to take a break at night.It causes acneIt is safe to say that acne is not something anyone in their right mind wants. Makeup clogs your pores. The pores secrete sebum, which protects your skin and cleans out all the junk, like dead skin cells and bacteria. When you sleep with makeup, sebum has nowhere to release this filth and therefore builds up, which causes the dreaded zits.It ages your skin prematurely Okay, one night probably won’t hurt you but if the habit builds up, then you are going to have a serious problem. Your skin will age prematurely as the skin cells are most active in the night, trying to recover from all of the exposure of the day. The makeup will lead to wrinkles and with time, visibly older looking skin.It can damage your eyesThat’s right; don’t forget that eye makeup either! The effects of falling asleep with mascara or general eye makeup range from slight irritation, like itchy, bloodshot eyes, to allergic reactions, to full blown eye infection. Make up and red eyes are connected, and if anyone who has ever suffered from red eyes knows just how bad it is.  It is a threat to your spotless pillowcase This is the most obvious reason because the effect is almost instant. All it takes is a couple of seconds on your pillow. Makeup will leave your pillows covered in residue from your foundation and or concealer and very noticeable marks from your mascara and or eye shadow, if your pillow cases are anything but black! How to easily take the makeup off It might seem like a pain, but taking your makeup off before bed can be a painless procedure. The fastest and most effective way to take off your makeup would be to get makeup remover (available in cosmetic stores in and around town), pour some on a cotton swab then gently dab the swab where the makeup is. You could also use a facial cleanser… good old soap and water will do just fine if you wash your face well.