The most annoying things she said to me this year

“My ex always appreciated...” Okay, now this tops my list. I do not appreciate being compared to some jerk she broke up with a long time ago. If he was so great, why didn’t she stay with him?

Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Patrick Buchana

"My ex always appreciated...”Okay, now this tops my list. I do not appreciate being compared to some jerk she broke up with a long time ago. If he was so great, why didn’t she stay with him? "Hold my purse!”

I wouldn’t really mind holding anything else for my girlfriend, but a purse? Oh hell no! First of all, it is pink and covered in glitter. To add salt to the wound, she is walking around a zillion boutiques trying on clothes and expects me to hold her damn bag! "Do you think that girl is hot?” By now, every guy should know this is a trap. If a girl thinks another chick is hot, there is a good chance I do too. Nothing good can come from admitting the obvious, so that question should really be outlawed! "I don’t care what team is playing. We need to talk about ...” From the time we started dating, WE NEED TO TALK has always been the start of a bad day for me. And the worst is when she said it as I prepared myself to watch a match. Really?"You can’t even fix that?” Not every guy has an inner handy-man. Don’t beat me up for that, it’s not my fault her ex was a builder/electronics guy/plumber. I DO have the contacts of someone that can fix it though and that’s good enough for me."Why don’t you ever buy me stuff like her guy does?” That neighbour may have ‘bling’ that puts Lil Wayne’s to shame but you have no idea what her man went through to get it. I would rather buy you what I can afford than borrow money to please you then run around when it is time to pay up.