Ex’s are best left in the past

Some of you will ask - who died and made me ‘analyst’? Just simple advice, take it or dump it in a trash can! Moving on, there is something about the word ‘ex’ – and it is not good – well – usually.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Some of you will ask - who died and made me ‘analyst’? Just simple advice, take it or dump it in a trash can! Moving on, there is something about the word ‘ex’ – and it is not good – well – usually. It can be easy to slip back into a relationship with your ex, but it is better not to. Why? Because there is a reason he became your ex to begin with! So, the breakup was painful, and the chap moved on faster than a hyena on a dry carcass. As a matter of fact, less than a week after the breakup, while you wasted all your mascara crying for him day and night, you spotted him with some Rihanna wannabe on his arm and almost died! Seated a table away from you, you stole glances, convincing yourself that you missed his smile or his sense of humour that left you cracking up, just like Rihanna’s clone was doing. The thing is, before you go scampering off into your ex’s arms, ask yourself some questions. I will tell you straight up that the chances of anything good coming out of it are a million to one, which means there is still a chance. So if you are a risk taker, go for it but...How long were you separated? If the answer to this is ‘not long’ then you need to find out if you had actually broken up or if you were on a break. Those are two different things; a break means there was talk of a reunion, a breakup, pretty much means both of you are free to do whatever you want, till you want to. So which is it? What was the reason you broke up? Did he cheat on you more times than a baby poops? Or did he discover that his fist can do wonders to your face? If it is any of the above - or worse, both – throw him in the furthest corner of your mind, lock him up then throw away the key – preferably in the Pacific Ocean where it will never be found. If you fell out of love or for some reason felt irritated every time he came around, then it is best to let him go irritate someone else. You can’t possibly have time for more irritation.Do you have kids?  Some women feel kids are the reason they should be with a guy, and sure, that is a reason. But under no circumstance should you ever compromise your sanity just because you want your kids to be with their daddy. It’s cute, but it’s not healthy, for you or for the kids. Are you a booty call? I’m sure when it came to matters concerning the bedroom, sparks flew! But that is where the chemistry ended. After your breakup, does he only call you every time he wants to ‘rendezvous’? Be wise and keep your ‘goods’ intact because once he senses you do not have a problem showing up at his door at 3am yet you are not even his girlfriend anymore, he will not protest!Think about it long and hard, and don’t just act on a whim. Because the second breakup will make you question your sanity and that is not a good thing, trust me. If my opinion matters, ex’s are best left neatly tucked away in the past, where they belong!