Traumarama Part 4

These embarrassing stories from other teens are so funny; you’ll laugh out loud (or cringe)!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

These embarrassing stories from other teens are so funny; you’ll laugh out loud (or cringe)!Scream Machine "It was rally day at my school and they were announcing all the names of students on the school’s sports teams. When my crush walked on stage, my friend and I had plans to get up and scream for him. When he walked on, I stood up and screamed in the highest pitch I could, but my friend didn’t get up. Everybody turned around and looked at me—including my crush. He hasn’t talked to me since!”Would You Like to Dance? "During my homecoming dance, a guy that I’ve seen around school a few times tapped on my shoulder and asked me something, but the music was so loud that I couldn’t hear him. I thought he had asked me to dance so I started dancing pretty close to him. It turns out, he asked me to move so he could get through the crowd.”A Bad Bathroom Break "I was taking a quiz and I really had to pee. It was awful! I felt like my bladder was about to explode. Before I could finish my test, I got up and told my teacher that I had to go and I had to go NOW. He tried to write me a pass, but it was too late. I had started to pee and I couldn’t stop. It ended up down my pants, in my shoe, and all over the floor before I could get to the bathroom! My teacher blamed himself and I left school early.”A Major Wardrobe Malfunction "My friend and I were at a party and we decided to go play on this swing set. I was wearing shorts that were a little too tight and while I was on the swing, they ripped. I had no idea and I walked around the party with part of my butt hanging out. Nobody told me!”Do you have any juicy stories for traumarama? Send them our way…