Rulindo RPF members celebrate progress

MEMBERS of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Rulindo District, Northern Province, on Sunday held celebrations ahead of the party’s 25 years anniversary slated for December 20.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Governor Bosenibamwe (C), Mayor Kangwagye cut a cake during the celebrations. The New Times / Courtesy.

MEMBERS of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Rulindo District, Northern Province, on Sunday held celebrations ahead of the party’s 25 years anniversary slated for December 20. The Governor of the Northern Province, Aime Bosenibamwe presided over the function at Rulindo District headquarters. Speaking at the event, the district Mayor, Justus Kangwagye, appreciated the role played by President Paul Kagame and RPF in general, saying there was both commitment and sacrifice in liberating the country. "It is through the stability the country has attained that development plans are successfully being implemented. We can never forget those who have led us to our current stand,” Kangwagye said.Kangwagye who is also the district party chairman pointed out that despite challenges, what has been achieved is attributed to among others the political will and good governance, which he said is a strong foundation for peace. "Yes, we realise that there is a lot more that needs to be done, but it is also worth noting that among other things, our government is not only concerned about national stability, but effectively contributes to bringing and maintaining peace in the region and beyond,” he said. Kangwagye advised residents to contribute to the success of government programmes, aimed at eradicating poverty. During the celebrations, residents especially women gave testimonies of how government programmes have positively changed their lives. "Joining and working through cooperatives has enabled me to work, and I am able to take care of my children and pay school fees,” said Clemantine Mukeshimana, a single mother of three.She attributed the liberty and freedom to work to government’s efforts in fighting gender based violence which she said was one of the main causes of women rights violation. "Men have also realised that it is very important for their wives or women to work as it enables us to contribute towards the development of our families,” she said. Bosenibamwe observed that among others, the citizens’ direct involvement in implementation of government programmes and the decentralisation policy has effectively contributed to achievements registered so far.