Kagame meets with Kigali-based envoys

President Kagame yesterday met with ambassadors and representatives of international organisations based in Kigali to discuss partnership in light of current affairs linked to the security crisis in Eastern DRC.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

President Kagame yesterday met with ambassadors and representatives of international organisations based in Kigali to discuss partnership in light of current affairs linked to the security crisis in Eastern DRC.

The President explained that the current crisis began at a time when relations with DRC were moving solidly in the right direction, following the rapprochement in August 2009, and with the armed forces of both countries working together effectively to counter the FDLR génocidaires based in Eastern DRC.President Kagame pointed out emphatically that Rwanda was not the origin of the ongoing problems in the DRC and that the allegations that have come up, especially in the media, haven’t been backed by solid, believable evidence, although judgment had already been made."The world misses the point by thinking that heaping the problems on Rwanda resolves the crisis; it doesn't, it only creates a second problem by disrupting Rwanda’s development,” Kagame said.He added that Rwanda was committed to engaging on the basis of fairness, and that partnership has clearly resulted in progress both parties should be very proud of. Many Envoys echoed the observation and some warned against the cost of reversal, for a country that has done remarkably well, coming a long way.The President regretted that: "When the lessons for Africa are given from the moral platform of human rights and governance-- values shared by all of us, the unjust treatment of recipients undermines that platform.”On the issue of the FDLR, President Kagame said that these DRC-based génocidaires had practically been forgotten by the world even though their leaders are living comfortably in Western capitals.

He added however that the FDLR poses an ideological threat, but when it comes to Rwanda's security, it has nuisance value, but not capable of destabilising the country.

President Kagame concluded the consultation noting that there was no reason for donors and recipients not to have a mutually respectful relationship despite unequal levels of economic and political power, and that all sides should and must work toward that goal.