Aid should not be used to bulldoze Africa

Editor,Allow me to respond to an article published in The New Times, December, 3, titled ‘Implication of donor suspension of aid to Rwanda over DRC crisis’

Monday, December 03, 2012

Editor,Allow me to respond to an article published in The New Times, December, 3, titled ‘Implication of donor suspension of aid to Rwanda over DRC crisis’Financial aid is used by the international donor community to bulldoze poor developing countries. Yes, all facts have showed that we have the best value for money when it comes to financial aid. However, when it comes to defending our borders, security and integrity, the international donor community uses the only tool available, i.e. relying on internationally biased reports to take decisions which eventually end up hurting the poor. But President Paul Kagame has said it time and again that the culture of begging must end. The dependency syndrome cycle should be broken. Not by any other, but we Rwandans.James  Munanura, Kigali