Why Rwanda was chosen to host a new pilot programme on aid

Editor,Aid is meant for the poor and Rwanda has used it effectively. That is why  the government of the United Kingdom chose Rwanda, along with Ethiopia, to host a new pilot programme for development assistance to Africa.

Monday, December 03, 2012
Rwandans contribute to the Agaciro Fund launched this year to help accelerate the countryu2019s social u2013 economic development. The New Times / File.

Editor,Aid is meant for the poor and Rwanda has used it effectively. That is why  the government of the United Kingdom chose Rwanda, along with Ethiopia, to host a new pilot programme for development assistance to Africa.UK wanted to use Rwanda as a case study and upon its success, and the new programme would be replicated in other African countries. It’s, therefore, unfair to withhold aid to the poor, yet it had been used well.  Worse still, the suspension is based on a report by a group of UN experts which has been questioned by several independent people. Any way, Africa has to realise that aid has not worked well to get the continent out of poverty.It is time about we think about home-grown solutions like Agaciro Development Fund. We can use Agaciro funds and send children to schools, build hospitals, roads, and do many other things.Teta, Nyagatare--------------------------------------------------Editor,May be suspending aid to Rwanda is a blessing in disguise. There’s no doubt that it will hurt our progress but if we can endure this, we will eventually emerge much stronger in the years ahead.Let’s be strong and press forward! In the future, we should also be very selective in deciding who gives us aid. Politically-driven, unreliable partners are no partners at all. No wonder across Africa, western funded road works could take 10 years to end, yet the Chinese can finish everything and hand over the same project in 12 months. That’s reliable.(Reaction to the story ‘Govt disappointed by Britain aid freeze,’ The New Times   December, 1)