I hate people who…

…never remove the airport tags on their bags. It has really become so easy for people to appear foolish in public. Take for example these people who travel by plane somewhere and never bother to remove the airport luggage tags.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

…never remove the airport tags on their bags. It has really become so easy for people to appear foolish in public. Take for example these people who travel by plane somewhere and never bother to remove the airport luggage tags. I wonder whether they know how foolish they look moving around with a bag that has Kenya Airways tags yet they are boarding the Jaguar that goes via Kagitumba. These are the same jokers who buy new clothes and leave the tags hanging all around. All this just shows us that your bag has never been washed and that you are trying so much to tell us you have ever been on a plane. But who cares?…link their Twitter accounts with their Facebook pages. I really love how some people are using social media to network their foolishness. I know these platforms are quite new and come with no instruction manuals but that is not reason enough to be spared by The Hater. The hatred I have for people who connect their Twitter accounts to Facebook and then post things like, "Hello Tweeps” can only be measured in kilos. Why do you confuse those on Facebook with words like tweeps? It is almost like being greeted in a language that you do not speak. Actually mixing these two platforms is like streaming music from a nightclub to the local church. Not cool. …do not bother to replace old cutlery. It is always annoying to enter a restaurant with hunger only to have anger served before anything else. You really have to wonder how some of these places continue to exist with such lousy services. I really hate restaurant owners who only want to collect profits but not invest in replacing old items. Have you seen those cups that are chipped at rim? How about the times when you are handed a fork and it just looks like the spikes are in constant disagreement. It is such places that our mayor must shut without debate.…punish their children with their foolishness. I won’t even waste any time being nice. I deeply hate people like that foolish couple that named their child Hashtag. The poor kid named Hashtag Jameson will live a life ruined by her parents since the name will be useless in a few years considering how fast internet trends come and go. So what are they going to name their next child? Retweet or what? I think there is no better proof that your parents hate you than this. Lucky for the child I already hate her stupid parents who act like they had just had mental abortions. …cannot wait to spend all their savings in the name of December. As you may know already, the month of November is now behind us and we are full speed ahead into December. With Jesus’ birthday tucked somewhere towards the end of this month, some people consider this the month they can spend carelessly all in the name of fitting into the Christmas mood. I have to hate these people because as soon as January knocks these are the same people crying broke for the next two or three months. So you thought there were no other months after December? How foolish of you.Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293