People will always talk

Don’t rack up a mountain of debt just to impress a handful of people or be like so and so. If you must do it, let it be to please you.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

It’s said that people will talk whether you do good or bad. How true! One of my friends just got promoted. Yes, well before the New Year and it so happens that she bought a car some three weeks ago. I’m genuinely happy for her because she has really worked hard this past year and deserves whatever rewards she gets. Can’t say the same for some of our colleagues though, who are clearly jealous or they wouldn’t be saying nasty things about her. Being pretty and outgoing, the gossip doing the rounds is that her supervisor gave her the promotion in exchange for the obvious. As for the car, she somehow got her hands on company funds, never mind that her duties are not even remotely linked to finance. Those of us who know her, know better than that of course. I’ve heard guys making jokes about her parking, the model and cost and thought to myself; well, if it’s not that expensive, how come you haven’t bought one yet? All this made me realise that these are just people with no hopes of getting their own cars any time soon and they just can’t handle the fact that a girl beat them to it. You’ll be surprised how far some people will go to put you down. There are many ways anyone can acquire a car. It could be a loan, savings or even a present. Some people have rich parents or siblings. I hope to drive some day so I guess I should let my workmates know how much I’m putting away each month so that when I eventually buy the car, no unfounded rumours are conjured up. The other thing I dislike is when people belittle your acquisitions. A while back, one guy invited people who are supposedly his friends over to his house on his birthday and the first thing they talked about in office the following day was his 14-Inch telly and modest furniture. That is exactly why I don’t just let anyone come to my home. It’s nothing more than giving people a chance to scrutinize your possessions or lack of. Try looking at the faces of people visiting your house for the first time. Their eyes will be scanning the room to see what’s missing like it’s their business. Don’t be surprised if someone suggests you buy, say, a wall-unit from the same store they bought theirs. I told my telly friend not to worry about the noise makers who have plasmas but are up to their neck in debt. We should also remember that for most people, furnishing a home, rented or otherwise takes years of hardwork, painful saving and making sacrifices here and there. Some of those people who get stuff overnight may be taking shortcuts with long-term consequences and trust me, you don’t want to do that. Personally, I don’t lose sleep over these material things. Of course I have dreams and I would like to have all these beautiful things in my house but I also have realistic expectations and set reasonable deadlines. I may not have my own business within the next three years and it may take me 10 years to build my own house. It’s not the end of the world. Don’t rack up a mountain of debt just to impress a handful of people or be like so and so. If you must do it, let it be to please you.

As long as I’m healthy and not in jail for extortion or some other shady deals, I know I’ll be fine. Don’t rack up a mountain of debts just to impress a handful of people or be like so and so. If you must do it, let it be to please you.To be continued…